This wiki is using an old backup from 2020
Some information may be old/missing
CreateObject( model, world, Vector( x, y, z ), alpha );
function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
if ( cmd == "createobj" )
if ( player.IsSpawned )
if ( text )
local model = text;
local x = player.Pos.x, y = player.Pos.y, z = player.Pos.z;
local Pos = Vector( x.tofloat(), y.tofloat(), z.tofloat() );
CreateObject( model.tointeger(), 0, Vector( x.tofloat(), y.tofloat(), z.tofloat() ), 255 );
else PrivMessage( player, "/createobj <model id>");
else PrivMessage( player, "Spawn and then use this command again");