Custom Files
Place your images inside the folder <root>/store/sprites/
e.g. /store/sprites/Filename.png
Then use the function CreateSprite in your script like so:
CreateSprite("Filename.png", x, y, rX, rY, rotation, alpha)
Inside your root server folder create the following folders:
Inside the maps folder place an xml file with any name you want with the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII" ?>
<item model="6000" name="drugstoreint">
<position x="-856.7597046" y="-79.71799469" z="12.73265266" />
<rotation format="axisangle" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" angle="1.0" />
<item model="6001" name="drugstoreext">
<position x="-856.3429565" y="-79.98773956" z="12.64423846" />
<rotation format="axisangle" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" angle="1.0" />
The IPL files have the following structure:
1474, drugstoreint, 0, -856.7597046, -79.71799469, 12.73265266, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1
model name (useless) x y z (useless) (useless) (useless) rot.x rot.y rot.z rot.angle
Custom object models start with ID 6000.
Create a file called objects.xml in the objects folder with the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<object id="0">
<flags value="0" />
<collision path="drugstoreint.col" />
<texture path="chem2.txd" />
<model path="drugstoreint.dff" distance="350" />
<object id="1">
<flags value="0" />
<collision path="drugstoreext.col" />
<texture path="chem.txd" />
<model path="drugstoreext.dff" distance="350" />
After you've done all that, zip up your col, diff and txd files using 7zip. The file extension must be .7z
Place the .7z with a filename like <somename>_unp.7z in the store folder.
You can also forget the map file and use the custom model IDs (6000+) inside your script.