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This function will check a weapon for changed data values. (damage, range, etc)
IsWeaponDataModified( weaponID , fieldID )
- integer weaponID - model ID of weapon
- integer fieldID - field ID of data you want to check for edits ( WeaponDataValue )
The following example will check if the data value of the weapon, from player's hand, was edited.
function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text );
if( cmd == "checkmywepdata" )
if( !text || !IsNum(text) ) MessagePlayer( "Error - Correct syntax - '/checkmywepdata <fieldID>' !", player );
else if( text >= 1 || text <= 25 ) MessagePlayer( "Error - Field IDs are from 1 to 25 !", player );
if( IsWeaponDataModified( player.Weapon.ID, text.tointeger() ) == true )
MessagePlayer( "Yes, data " + text + " of " + GetWeaponName( player.Weapon.ID ) + "is edited !!", player );
MessagePlayer( "Nope, data " + text + " of " + GetWeaponName( player.Weapon.ID ) + " is not edited.", player );
MessagePlayer( "Data" + text + " of " + GetWeaponName( player.Weapon.ID ) + " is " + GetWeaponDataValue( player.Weapon.ID, text.tointeger() ) );
Call onPlayerCommand were used in this example. More info about them in the corresponding pages.