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This wiki is using an old backup from 2020
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This function will show an object on the map if the map was hidden using HideMapObject or RawHideMapObject
ShowMapObject( ObjectID , VectorX, VectorY, VectorZ );
- int ObjectID - The ID of the object, must be an integer.
- float VectorX - The vector x of the hidden object. Should be float.
- float VectorY - The vector y of the hidden object. Should be float.
- float VectorZ - The vector z of the hidden object. Should be float.
function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text );
if ( cmd == "hideobj" )
HideMapObject ( 379 , -1721.86 , -293.002 , 15.1086 );
MessagePlayer ( "You've successfully hidden the army gate!" , player );
else if ( cmd == "showobj" )
ShowMapObject ( 379 , -1721.86 , -293.002 , 15.1086 );
MessagePlayer ( "The army gate is no longer hidden!" , player );
Call onPlayerCommand were used in this example. More info about them in the corresponding pages.