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This event is called every time a player kills another (and they're not in the same team).
function onPlayerKill( killer, player, reason, bodypart )
- player - He is who is attacking
- killer - He is who is being killed
- reason - Weapon ID
- bodypart - Bodypart ID
function onPlayerKill( killer, player, reason, bodypart )
Message( "** " + killer.Name + " killed " + player.Name + " (" + GetWeaponName( reason ) + ") (" + bodypart + ")" );
The functions Message, Player.Name, GetWeaponName were used in this example. More info about them in corresponding pages.
Related Functions
- onPlayerJoin( player )
- onPlayerPart( player, reason )
- onPlayerRequestClass( player, classID )
- onPlayerRequestSpawn( player )
- onPlayerSpawn( player )
- onPlayerDeath( player, reason )
- onPlayerKill( killer, player, reason, bodypart )
- onPlayerTeamKill( killer, player, reason, bodypart )
- onPlayerChat( player, message )
- onPlayerCommand( player, command, arguments )
- onPlayerPM( player, playerTo, message )
- onPlayerBeginTyping( player )
- onPlayerEndTyping( player )
- onLoginAttempt( playerName, password, ipAddress )
- onNameChangeable( player ) // Currently can't work.
- onPlayerMove( player, lastX, lastY, lastZ, newX, newY, newZ )
- onPlayerHealthChange( player, lastHP, newHP )
- onPlayerArmourChange( player, lastArmour, newArmour )
- onPlayerWeaponChange( player, oldWep, newWep )
- onKeyDown( player, bindID )
- onKeyUp( player, bindID )
- onPlayerAwayChange( player, newStatus )
- onPlayerSpectate( player, target )
- onPlayerCrashDump( player, crashReport )
- onPlayerNameChange( player, oldName, newName )
- onPlayerActionChange( player, oldAction, newAction )
- onPlayerStateChange( player, oldState, newState )
- onPlayerOnFireChange( player, isOnFireNow )
- onPlayerCrouchChange( player, isCrouchingNow )
- onPlayerGameKeysChange( player, oldKeys, newKeys )