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Announce( message, playerTo, type )


  • Player playerTo - The player to send the message to
  • string message - The message to send
  • int type - The type of the message


function onPlayerCommand(player, cmd, text)
    if (cmd == "ann")
        if (!text) return ClientMessage("[#FF0000][Syntax]/ann <ID> <All/Nick/ID> <Text>", player, 0, 0, 0);
        local v = split(text, " ");
        if (v.len() < 3) return ClientMessage("[#FF0000][Syntax]/ann <ID> <All/Nick/ID> <Text>", player, 0, 0, 0);
        if (v[1].tolower() == "all") AnnounceAll(text.slice(v[0].len() + v[1].len() + 2), v[0].tointeger());
        else Announce(text.slice(v[0].len() + v[1].len() + 2), FindPlayer(v[1]), v[0].tointeger());