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This wiki is using an old backup from 2020
Some information may be old/missing
Administrative Functions
Checkpoint Functions
- CreateCheckpoint
- FindCheckpoint
- Checkpoint.Color
- Checkpoint.ID
- Checkpoint.Owner
- Checkpoint.Pos
- Checkpoint.Radius
- Checkpoint.Remove
- Checkpoint.StreamedToPlayer
- Checkpoint.World
Data Structures
Game Functions
Hashing Functions (In the "Hashing" plugin)
- base64_encode
- base64_decode
- MD5
- SHA1
- SHA224
- SHA256
- SHA384
- SHA512
INI Functions (In the "INIParser" plugin)
- ClearIni
- CountIniSection
- DeleteIniSection
- ReadIniBool
- ReadIniInteger
- ReadIniNumber
- ReadIniString
- RemoveIniValue
- WriteIniBool
- WriteIniInteger
- WriteIniNumber
- WriteIniString
- ClientMessage
- ClientMessageToAll
- Announce
- AnnounceAll
- Message
- MessageAllExcept
- MessagePlayer
- PrivMessage
- PrivMessageAll
- SendPlayerMessage
MySQL Functions (In the "MySQL" plugin)
- mysql_affected_rows
- mysql_change_user
- mysql_close
- mysql_connect
- mysql_errno
- mysql_error
- mysql_escape_string
- mysql_fetch_assoc
- mysql_fetch_lengths
- mysql_fetch_row
- mysql_free_result
- mysql_info
- mysql_insert_id
- mysql_num_fields
- mysql_num_rows
- mysql_ping
- mysql_query
- mysql_select_db
- mysql_warning_count
Object Functions
- Object.Alpha
- Object.Delete
- Object.ID
- Object.Model
- Object.MoveBy
- Object.MoveTo
- Object.Pos
- Object.RotateTo
- Object.RotateToEuler
- Object.RotateBy
- Object.RotateByEuler
- Object.Rotation
- Object.RotationEuler
- Object.SetAlpha
- Object.TrackingBumps
- Object.TrackingShots
- Object.World
Pickup Functions
- Pickup.Alpha
- Pickup.Automatic
- Pickup.ID
- Pickup.Model
- Pickup.Pos
- Pickup.Quantity
- Pickup.Remove
- Pickup.StreamedToPlayer
- Pickup.Timer
- Pickup.World
Player Functions
- BanPlayer
- FindPlayer
- GetPlayerIDFromName
- IsWorldCompatibleWithPlayer
- KickPlayer
- PlaySoundForPlayer
- Player.Action
- Player.AddSpeed
- Player.Admin
- Player.AimDir
- Player.AimPos
- Player.Alpha
- Player.Ammo
- Player.Angle
- Player.Armour
- Player.Away
- Player.Ban
- Player.CameraLocked
- Player.CanAttack
- Player.CanDriveby
- Player.Cash
- Player.Class
- Player.Colour
- Player.Disarm
- Player.Eject
- Player.FPS
- Player.Frozen
- Player.GameKeys
- Player.GetAmmoAtSlot
- Player.GetWeaponAtSlot
- Player.GiveMoney
- Player.GiveWeapon
- Player.GreenScanlines
- Player.HasChatTags
- Player.HasMarker
- Player.Health
- Player.ID
- Player.Immunity
- Player.IP
- Player.IsCrouching
- Player.IsDrunk
- Player.IsOnFire
- Player.IsOnRadar
- Player.IsSpawned
- Player.Key
- Player.Kick
- Player.Name
- Player.Ping
- Player.PlaySound
- Player.Pos
- Player.Redirect
- Player.RestoreCamera
- Player.RemoveMarker
- Player.RemoveWeapon
- Player.Score
- Player.SecWorld
- Player.Select()
- Player.SetAlpha
- Player.SetAnim
- Player.SetDrunkLevel
- Player.SetCameraPos
- Player.SetInterior
- Player.SetMarker - bugged
- Player.SetWantedLevel
- Player.SetWeapon
- Player.ShowMarkers
- Player.Slot
- Player.Skin
- Player.Spawn
- Player.SpectateTarget
- Player.Speed
- Player.StandingOnObject
- Player.StandingOnVehicle
- Player.State
- Player.StreamedToPlayer
- Player.Typing
- Player.Team
- Player.UniqueID
- Player.UniqueID2
- Player.UniqueWorld
- Player.Vehicle
- Player.VehicleSlot
- Player.VehicleStatus
- Player.WantedLevel
- Player.Weapon
- Player.WhiteScanlines
- Player.Widescreen
- Player.World
- Player.PutInVehicleSlot
Player Game Functions
These functions exist for compatibility with the R2 Squirrel server.
- GetCinematicBorder
- GetGreenScanLines
- GetWhiteScanLines
- SetCinematicBorder
- SetGreenScanLines
- SetWhiteScanLines
SQLite Functions (In the "SQLite" plugin)
- ConnectSQL
- DisconnectSQL
- escapeSQLString
- FreeSQLQuery
- GetSQLColumnCount
- GetSQLColumnData
- GetSQLNextRow
- QuerySQL
Server Settings
- GetDeathmatchScoreboard
- GetDeathMessages
- GetDrivebyEnabled
- GetDriveOnWater
- GetFallEnabled
- GetFastSwitch
- GetFlyingCars
- GetFrameLimiter
- GetFriendlyFire
- GetGameModeName
- GetGamespeed
- GetGravity
- GetHour
- GetJoinMessages
- GetJumpSwitch
- GetKillDelay
- GetMaxHeight
- GetMaxPlayers
- GetMinute
- GetObjectCount
- GetPerfectHandling
- GetPickupCount
- GetPlayers
- GetServerName
- GetPassword
- GetShootInAir
- GetShowNametags
- GetShowOnlyTeamMarkers
- GetShowOnRadar
- GetSkinID
- GetStuntBike
- GetSyncFrameLimiter
- GetTaxiBoostJump
- GetTickCount
- GetTimeRate
- GetVehicleCount
- GetVehiclesForcedRespawnHeight
- GetWallglitch
- GetWaterLevel
- GetWeaponSync
- GetWeather
- ReloadScripts
- SetDeathmatchScoreboard
- SetDeathMessages
- SetDrivebyEnabled
- SetDriveOnWater
- SetFallEnabled
- SetFastSwitch
- SetFlyingCars
- SetFrameLimiter
- SetFriendlyFire
- SetGameModeName
- SetGamespeed
- SetGravity
- SetHour
- SetJoinMessages
- SetJumpSwitch
- SetKillDelay
- SetMaxHeight
- SetMaxPlayers
- SetMinute
- SetPerfectHandling
- SetServerName
- SetPassword
- SetShootInAir
- SetShowNametags
- SetShowOnlyTeamMarkers
- SetShowOnRadar
- SetStuntBike
- SetSyncFrameLimiter
- SetTaxiBoostJump
- SetTimeRate
- SetTime
- SetVehiclesForcedRespawnHeight
- SetWallglitch
- SetWaterLevel
- SetWeaponSync
- ShutdownServer
Socket Functions (In the "Socket" plugin)
- NewSocket
- Socket.Connect
- Socket.Delete
- Socket.Disconnect
- Socket.Send
- Socket.SendClient
- Socket.SetLostConnFunc
- Socket.SetNewConnFunc
- Socket.Start
- Socket.Stop
Spawn and Wasted Screen Functions
Timer Functions
Vehicle Functions
- ResetAllVehicleHandling
- IsHandlingRuleSet
- SetHandlingRule
- GetHandlingRule
- ResetHandlingRule
- ResetVehicleHandling
- Vehicle.AddRelTurnSpeed
- Vehicle.AddSpeed
- Vehicle.AddTurnSpeed
- Vehicle.Alarm
- Vehicle.Angle
- Vehicle.Colour1
- Vehicle.Colour2
- Vehicle.Damage
- Vehicle.Delete
- Vehicle.Driver
- Vehicle.EulerAngle
- Vehicle.EulerSpawnAngle
- Vehicle.Fix
- Vehicle.GetHandlingData
- Vehicle.GetOccupant
- Vehicle.GetPart
- Vehicle.GetTyre
- Vehicle.Health
- Vehicle.ID
- Vehicle.Immunity
- Vehicle.IsGhost
- Vehicle.IsHandlingSet
- Vehicle.Kill
- Vehicle.Lights
- Vehicle.Locked
- Vehicle.Model
- Vehicle.Pos
- Vehicle.Radio
- Vehicle.RadioLocked
- Vehicle.RelativeSpeed
- Vehicle.RelativeTurnSpeed
- Vehicle.ResetAllHandling
- Vehicle.ResetHandlingData
- Vehicle.Respawn
- Vehicle.RespawnTimer
- Vehicle.Rotation
- Vehicle.SetFlatTyres
- Vehicle.SetHandlingData
- Vehicle.SetPart
- Vehicle.SetTyre
- Vehicle.Siren
- Vehicle.SpawnAngle
- Vehicle.SpawnPos
- Vehicle.Speed
- Vehicle.StreamedForPlayer
- Vehicle.SyncSource
- Vehicle.SyncType
- Vehicle.TurnSpeed
- Vehicle.TurretRotation
- Vehicle.World
- Vehicle.Wrecked
Weapon Functions
- GetWeaponDataValue
- IsAmmuWeaponEnabled
- IsWeaponDataModified
- ResetAllWeaponData
- ResetWeaponData
- ResetWeaponDataValue
- SetAmmuWeapon
- SetAmmuWeaponEnabled
- SetWeaponDataValue
Deprecated Functions
These functions are for compatibility, but may be removed in future versions.