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This wiki is using an old backup from 2020
Some information may be old/missing
This function will get the weather ID of the game.
Return value
- int weatherid - The weather ID of the game
function onPlayerCommand( iPlayer, szCommand, szArguments ) { switch( szCommand.tolower( ) ) { case "setweather": if( !szArguments ) ClientMessage( "Invalid syntax, correct usage: /" + szCommand + " [ID]", iPlayer, 255, 0, 0, 255 ); else if ( !IsNum( szArguments ) ) ClientMessage( "ID must be an integer.", iPlayer, 255, 0, 0, 255 ); else if ( GetWeather() == szArguments.tointeger( ) ) ClientMessage( "The weather ID specified is already being used.", iPlayer, 255, 0, 0, 255 ); else { SetWeather( szArguments.tointeger( ) ); ClientMessageToAll( iPlayer.Name + " has set the weather to " + szArguments + "!", 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } break; } }
Call onPlayerCommand was used in this example. More info about them in the corresponding pages.
Related Functions
- GetDeathmatchScoreboard
- GetDeathMessages
- GetDrivebyEnabled
- GetDriveOnWater
- GetFallEnabled
- GetFastSwitch
- GetFlyingCars
- GetFrameLimiter
- GetFriendlyFire
- GetGameModeName
- GetGamespeed
- GetGravity
- GetHour
- GetJoinMessages
- GetJumpSwitch
- GetKillDelay
- GetMaxHeight
- GetMaxPlayers
- GetMinute
- GetObjectCount
- GetPerfectHandling
- GetPickupCount
- GetPlayers
- GetServerName
- GetPassword
- GetShootInAir
- GetShowNametags
- GetShowOnlyTeamMarkers
- GetShowOnRadar
- GetSkinID
- GetStuntBike
- GetSyncFrameLimiter
- GetTaxiBoostJump
- GetTickCount
- GetTimeRate
- GetVehicleCount
- GetVehiclesForcedRespawnHeight
- GetWallglitch
- GetWaterLevel
- GetWeaponSync
- GetWeather
- ReloadScripts
- SetDeathmatchScoreboard
- SetDeathMessages
- SetDrivebyEnabled
- SetDriveOnWater
- SetFallEnabled
- SetFastSwitch
- SetFlyingCars
- SetFrameLimiter
- SetFriendlyFire
- SetGameModeName
- SetGamespeed
- SetGravity
- SetHour
- SetJoinMessages
- SetJumpSwitch
- SetKillDelay
- SetMaxHeight
- SetMaxPlayers
- SetMinute
- SetPerfectHandling
- SetServerName
- SetPassword
- SetShootInAir
- SetShowNametags
- SetShowOnlyTeamMarkers
- SetShowOnRadar
- SetStuntBike
- SetSyncFrameLimiter
- SetTaxiBoostJump
- SetTimeRate
- SetTime
- SetVehiclesForcedRespawnHeight
- SetWallglitch
- SetWaterLevel
- SetWeaponSync
- ShutdownServer