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This wiki is using an old backup from 2020
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This function will set the position of the textdraw on everyone's screen.
Textdraw.SetPosForAll(x, y);
- int x - The new x position of the textdraw on the screen.
- int y - The new y position of the textdraw on the screen.
function onScriptLoad()
local x = 100; // The x coodinate for the textdraw on the screen.
local y = 100; // The y coodinate for the textdraw on the screen.
local Color; // The color
switch(Random(1,5)) // Selects a random color
case 1:
Color = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Color white
case 2:
Color = 0xFFFF0000; // Color red
case 3:
Color = 0xFF00FF00; // Color green
case 4:
Color = 0xFFFFFF00; // Color yellow
case 5:
Color = 0xFF00BFFF; // Color blue
Textdraw <- CreateTextdraw( "Text here", x, y, Color); // Creates a textdraw with a random color
Textdraw.ShowForAll(); // Shows the textdraw for all players.
function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
if ( cmd == "textsetposall" ) // Command for setting the textdraw position for every player that has it shown.
Textdraw.SetPosForAll(50, 50); // sets the x & y pos to 50 for everyone.
onScriptLoad, onPlayerCommand, Textdraw.ShowForAll and CreateTextdraw were used in this example. More info about them in the corresponding pages.