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GetPlayerIDFromName( string name )


  • string name - Player Name


The Following example will tell a player's ID.

function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text );
 if ( cmd == "id" )
  if ( text ) // If player provides text.
  if ( !IsNum( text )) // if text is not a integer/number.
  local plr = FindPlayer( text ) // We Find other players by FindPlayer( playername or id )
  if ( plr )  // If player is available/online
  MessagePlayer( " " + plr.Name + " is online. ( ID : " + GetPlayerIDFromName( plr.Name ) + " ) ", player ); // Messages the ID of the plr.
 } else MessagePlayer( "Player not online", player ); // Else messages player not online
else MessagePlayer( "text must be a name instead of IDs or Numbers", player ); 
else MessagePlayer( "/id < playername >", player ); // if ( text ) is not provided.


Calls MessagePlayer, FindPlayer & Player.Name were used in this example. More info about them in the corresponding pages.

Related Functions

Player Game Functions

These functions exist for compatibility with the R2 Squirrel server.