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This wiki is using an old backup from 2020
Some information may be old/missing
This page needs a description, or needs a better one. Please help us complete the wiki by writing one.
This page needs an example. We will try our best to complete the wiki as soon as possible.
Related Functions
- BanPlayer
- FindPlayer
- GetPlayerIDFromName
- IsWorldCompatibleWithPlayer
- KickPlayer
- PlaySoundForPlayer
- Player.Action
- Player.AddSpeed
- Player.Admin
- Player.AimDir
- Player.AimPos
- Player.Alpha
- Player.Ammo
- Player.Angle
- Player.Armour
- Player.Away
- Player.Ban
- Player.CameraLocked
- Player.CanAttack
- Player.CanDriveby
- Player.Cash
- Player.Class
- Player.Colour
- Player.Disarm
- Player.Eject
- Player.FPS
- Player.Frozen
- Player.GameKeys
- Player.GetAmmoAtSlot
- Player.GetWeaponAtSlot
- Player.GiveMoney
- Player.GiveWeapon
- Player.GreenScanlines
- Player.HasChatTags
- Player.HasMarker
- Player.Health
- Player.ID
- Player.Immunity
- Player.IP
- Player.IsCrouching
- Player.IsDrunk
- Player.IsOnFire
- Player.IsOnRadar
- Player.IsSpawned
- Player.Key
- Player.Kick
- Player.Name
- Player.Ping
- Player.PlaySound
- Player.Pos
- Player.Redirect
- Player.RestoreCamera
- Player.RemoveMarker
- Player.RemoveWeapon
- Player.Score
- Player.SecWorld
- Player.Select()
- Player.SetAlpha
- Player.SetAnim
- Player.SetDrunkLevel
- Player.SetCameraPos
- Player.SetInterior
- Player.SetMarker - bugged
- Player.SetWantedLevel
- Player.SetWeapon
- Player.ShowMarkers
- Player.Slot
- Player.Skin
- Player.Spawn
- Player.SpectateTarget
- Player.Speed
- Player.StandingOnObject
- Player.StandingOnVehicle
- Player.State
- Player.StreamedToPlayer
- Player.Typing
- Player.Team
- Player.UniqueID
- Player.UniqueID2
- Player.UniqueWorld
- Player.Vehicle
- Player.VehicleSlot
- Player.VehicleStatus
- Player.WantedLevel
- Player.Weapon
- Player.WhiteScanlines
- Player.Widescreen
- Player.World
- Player.PutInVehicleSlot
Player Game Functions
These functions exist for compatibility with the R2 Squirrel server.