Template:Scripting/Squirrel/Functions/Player Functions
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This wiki is using an old backup from 2020
Some information may be old/missing
- BanPlayer
- FindPlayer
- GetPlayerIDFromName
- IsWorldCompatibleWithPlayer
- KickPlayer
- PlaySoundForPlayer
- Player.Action
- Player.AddSpeed
- Player.Admin
- Player.AimDir
- Player.AimPos
- Player.Alpha
- Player.Ammo
- Player.Angle
- Player.Armour
- Player.Away
- Player.Ban
- Player.CameraLocked
- Player.CanAttack
- Player.CanDriveby
- Player.Cash
- Player.Class
- Player.Colour
- Player.Disarm
- Player.Eject
- Player.FPS
- Player.Frozen
- Player.GameKeys
- Player.GetAmmoAtSlot
- Player.GetWeaponAtSlot
- Player.GiveMoney
- Player.GiveWeapon
- Player.GreenScanlines
- Player.HasChatTags
- Player.HasMarker
- Player.Health
- Player.ID
- Player.Immunity
- Player.IP
- Player.IsCrouching
- Player.IsDrunk
- Player.IsOnFire
- Player.IsOnRadar
- Player.IsSpawned
- Player.Key
- Player.Kick
- Player.Name
- Player.Ping
- Player.PlaySound
- Player.Pos
- Player.Redirect
- Player.RestoreCamera
- Player.RemoveMarker
- Player.RemoveWeapon
- Player.Score
- Player.SecWorld
- Player.Select()
- Player.SetAlpha
- Player.SetAnim
- Player.SetDrunkLevel
- Player.SetCameraPos
- Player.SetInterior
- Player.SetMarker - bugged
- Player.SetWantedLevel
- Player.SetWeapon
- Player.ShowMarkers
- Player.Slot
- Player.Skin
- Player.Spawn
- Player.SpectateTarget
- Player.Speed
- Player.StandingOnObject
- Player.StandingOnVehicle
- Player.State
- Player.StreamedToPlayer
- Player.Typing
- Player.Team
- Player.UniqueID
- Player.UniqueID2
- Player.UniqueWorld
- Player.Vehicle
- Player.VehicleSlot
- Player.VehicleStatus
- Player.WantedLevel
- Player.Weapon
- Player.WhiteScanlines
- Player.Widescreen
- Player.World
- Player.PutInVehicleSlot
Player Game Functions
These functions exist for compatibility with the R2 Squirrel server.